Wow... It's been awhile since I posted anything here. Too much else to do with a brand new little baby!!
Well, let's get you caught up on a few things that have happened...
My dad's dog, Penny, died last week. I went over to help bury her in the back part of the yard, under the weeping willow tree. She lived 9 long full years, and passed peacefully in her sleep. Gotta be one of the best ways to go... I hope I'm so lucky.
My little boy is finally (mostly) potty-trained!! Yay... I thought he was going to be in diapers/pull-ups forever!! He finally decided one day that he was going to wear big boy underwear, and that meant he had to use the potty. We still have a few accidents every once in a while, usually when he's busy playing outside and doesn't want to stop to come in until it's too late. :-)
Also, been doing a lot of yard work at my parent's house. (With help from sister, Tammy) We've planted four trees, a plot of marigolds, I mowed the yard for my dad, as he just didn't feel up to it this week. Still need to do some more landscaping, plan on making a little patio area down between the retainer walls outside the basement door, and setting up the patio table and chairs, with umbrella, and planting a small flower garden. Also need to hang flower boxes on front porch and finish cleaning off back porch.
As for my house, I finally got around to taking down the garland and christmas lights from the front porch. Isn't that awful?!? Need to find someone with a trailer I can borrow to get rid of some junk from the yard. Also really wanting to do a little planting around the front porch. Is it too late in the year to try to grow plants?? Maybe if I get something already started and blooming.. hmmm..
I know I'm just renting here, but the place looks so bare, and devoid of personality... I want to do something to liven it up. Maybe I'll actually get around to posting some pics of it, too.